- 600 ML Tube
- Standard Gray Color (See picture 2)
- Picture number 3 has coverages for various scenarios
- Semi Rigid
- Polishable with no smears
- Not affected by moisture
Great applicator gun CLICK HERE
Joints can be filled in one or two passes, depending upon joint depth and dispensing tip used. Preferred method is to fill from bottom to top using a dispensing tip that fits into the joint. Take care not to entrap air bubbles. Slightly overfill the joint, leaving a crowned profile, and allow to cure.
The crown may be easily razored off as early as 15 minutes after placement, depending upon temperature. We recommend testing various shave times to find the optimal shave which results in a filler profile that is flush with the floor’s surface and free of any film from material overfill. If shave time is substantially delayed or if temperatures are low, RS 88 shaving process may be more labored. Should filler cure below the floor surface (due to settlement into the void at base of joint, etc.), remove top 1/2” of filler and re-apply RS 88. Grinding/polishing operations should be deferred for one hour or more after placement. (If using Fast Pack addition, 25-30 minutes or more).